Photo courtesy of Anita Baughman and Marietta Record. It was received from Mildred as payment for a medical bill owed to Marietta's husband, Dr. Leo Record.
The following five paintings courtesy of
Barbara J. Bull

Courtesy of Lanier Smith
This painting can be seen at the Kernersville Train Depot.
Donated by Richard Hedgecock

Photos courtesy of Joy Anne

Photo courtesy of Terry Crouse

Photo courtesy of Mr. Lacy Joyce, with the following information:
Painted By Mildred Ballard in 1972, of Mr. Willie Edgar James at 20 years old. Born August 19, 1883 Died March 2, 1974 at age 90. Mr. James lived behind the Musten and Crutchfield store. He was married to Fannie Rachael Hutchins and was father to 13 children - 7 boys and 6 girls. He drove a mule and wagon around Kernersville. One time some Kernersville boys as a prank stole his wagon, took it apart and put it back together on top of Pinnex Drug Store. Shortly afterwards the boys were bragging about it in Charlie Snow's restaurant and it just so happened one of Mr. James' daughters was in there and heard them. She got mad about it and probably gave them a piece of her mind.

The old Gable homeplace in Canon, GA
Photo courtesy of Mary Gable Taylor